Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Lisa Ireland Touts the Promise of Longevity Research
Harry discusses the challenges and implications of the aging baby boomer population in the United States with Lisa Ireland, the President and CEO of the Longevity Science Foundation. The discussion revolves around the foundation's focus on early-stage research in the longevity science field, specifically health span and life span. Lisa differentiates between the two terms, explaining that lifespan refers to the length of life, while health span relates to the quality of life during those years. The foundation aims to extend both the length and quality of people's lives.
You will hear Harry express skepticism regarding the effectiveness of investing in cutting-edge longevity research, citing the societal issues affecting people's longevity, such as economic and social disparities. Lisa emphasizes the importance of early-stage research and individualized medicine in the field of longevity. She also highlights the significance of cognitive health, suggesting that engaging in activities related to the arts can have a positive impact on brain health. The conversation covers various topics, including the impact of lifestyle choices, the role of genetics, the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, and the accessibility of health-related information and services.
The dialogue underscores the importance of starting conversations about longevity and health span now, as the aging population continues to grow, to prepare individuals and policymakers for the challenges and opportunities ahead.
- [01:00] Overview of the Longevity Science Foundation and its focus on early-stage research in longevity science
- [02:00] Differentiating between health span and lifespan
- [03:00] The foundation's approach to making longevity research accessible to everyone
- [04:00] Harry's skepticism about the effectiveness of cutting-edge longevity research
- [05:00] The foundation's focus on cognitive health and brain health
- [06:00] The impact of lifestyle choices and societal factors on longevity
- [07:00] The challenge of translating lab research into real-world applications
- [08:00] Addressing correlation vs. causation in medical research
- [09:00] The concept of biological age vs. chronological age
- [10:00] The importance of cognitive exercises and neuro arts in brain health
- [11:00] Investing in brain health from an early age
- [12:00] The connection between social activities and brain health
- [13:00] The concept of neuro arts and its impact on cognitive health
- [14:00] The benefits of learning foreign languages for brain health
- [15:00] The role of physical exercise in health and inflammation research
- [16:00] The benefits of the Mediterranean diet and the importance of moderation
- [17:00] Addressing disparities in access to health-related information and services
- [18:00] The future of public longevity clinics and accessibility of longevity information
- [19:00] Addressing concerns about the credibility of businesses in the longevity field
- [20:00] Lisa's recommendations for policymakers and individuals in the field of longevity
- [21:00] Encouraging conversations about longevity and health span
- [22:00] Contacting the Longevity Science Foundation's scientific advisory board
More on Lisa at https://longevity.foundation/
Visit Harry's blog at https://okayboomer.substack.com?utm_source=navbar&utm_medium=web
Risking Old Age in America